Friday, January 16, 2009


Jack and Molly playing in the yard K-I-S-S-I-N-G......first comes love, then comes mar.........WAIT A MINUTE!!........9 weeks later Jack is a daddy?? just look at how adorable they are. 7 Border Collies born January 7th.


Ross and Sherry said...

How cute!!! Puppies are the best!!!

bedonts said...

Cute puppies! I love 'em!

We are singing it again at New Beginnings...bah...and I thought we were done!! ;)

I'm glad to see your blog! It's super cute! I love blogging, it's fun!

If you want to put a picture at the heading...go to Layout and click the Edit down in the corner of the heading area. Then you can choose a Picture From File. You can choose for it to be behind the heading title, or in place of it. And you can have it stretch to fit the area. Then just download it a Voila!! Let me know if you have any questions! Have fun! :)

Rena said...

The Tidwells had puppies! Congratulations! They are sooo cute!