Friday, December 26, 2008


Wow does time fly!! It's hard to believe that 19 years ago this amazing guy was born. I had an ultrasound done 2 days before Christmas because he was overdue, the ultrasound tech told me that because of his size (small) we must of had the wrong due date. This really discouraged me because not only had I passed my due date (12/15) but I had been planning on delivering early because Katie was 10 days early. I called my doctor and told him that I was heading out of town for Christmas which was the tradition in our family and he HIGHLY suggested that I stay in town. So, Jim's family came to our house in Tucson from Globe and Phoenix Christmas Eve for a nice dinner and gift exchange. After they left we went on a little ride (which started a new Christmas tradition) getting hot chocolate and driving around looking at Christmas lights. At 11pm that night I went into labor. We woke Katie up at 5:00am and told her that her baby sister (cuz that is what I thought I was having) was coming and she very sleepishly said "I knew Santa would bring us our baby for Christmas". While Jim and Katie opened presents I snapped pictures between labor pains. At 8:30am I couldn't stand the pain any longer and headed to the hospital and by 8:49am with nurses frantically running around looking for a doctor, we had a beautiful baby boy!!! any longer and we would of had him in the car. It was an amazing day, the best Christmas ever. I love you Brandon, more than you will ever know, MOM


Ross and Sherry said...

Awe!!! I didn't know his birthday was on Christmas. What a precious memory! We hope you had a wonderful Christmas this year. Please tell Brandon Happy Birthhday!!

Tara said...

Hi! He did get your package. He was supposed to email you. Boys. What can ya do? I hope you guys had a good Christmas!! Your new background is really cute too.

Christine said...

I love your blog. Where has the time gone. These kids grow so fast it is crazy. Happy New Year.